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Vitrograph Process


Stacking a vitrograph pot

Step one for creating vitrograph cane is to stack a flower pot or square stainless steel former. The pot is then heated in a special vitrograph cane over the period of several hours to a temperature of over 1500 degrees.


Pulling cane

There is a small hole in the bottom of the pot and in the bottom of the special vitrograph kiln. While using protective gear the cane is slowly pulled in rods. The faster the cane is pulled the thinner it will become.


Cane or Millefiori

The final cane is cooled or annealed in a heating blanket until it reaches room temperature. It can then be used in bowls, platters, or chopped into small beads used to decorate my mushrooms and trees.


Final Projects

In this picture you can see a few platters where the cane has been cut and mixed between red and white glass. There are "dams" surrounding the pieces as they get ready for a full fuse. Without the dams they would not hold their shape since they are over a quarter inch thick. Glass always wants to level off at 1/4 inch.

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